How it works

Revolutionizing healthcare one click at a time

Holistic Approach to Aging

Founded by a passionate group of medical professionals, scientists, and beauty enthusiasts, Dripvitals set out to empower individuals in taking control of their aging journey, one click at a time.

How it works

Our Working



Main Point

  • Explore our list of available health and wellness products. 
  • Learn the science and benefits behind each treatment
  • Decide which product may be right for you with the
    help of our clinical team.
Provider Evaluation

Provider Evaluation

Main Point

  • Explore our list of available health and wellness products.
  • Learn the science and benefits behind each treatment
  • Decide which product may be right for you with the
    help of our clinical team.


Main Point

  • Explore our list of available health and wellness products
  • Learn the science and benefits behind each treatment
  • Decide which product may be right for you with the
    help of our clinical team.

Economy Pack

Individual Plan
$ 59 99
Fluoride treatment
Comprehensive oral exams
X-rays for diagnostics
Orthodontic consultations

Deluxe Pack

Individual Plan
$ 259 99
Cosmetic consultations
Crown placement
Scaling and root planing
Pediatric dental exams

Pricing and Packages

Pricing and Packages: Discover Affordable Dentistry

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Take care of your body  as if you were going to live forever.


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